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SMALL SPACES: our favorite small space friendly toys

We've been getting a lot of questions on toys and toy storage lately so we thought we'd share some of our favorites toys when it comes to saving space.

These are either:



-or just plain ol' fun and tiny!

The majority we own and love, some are on wish lists for ideas for future birthdays. Since all three boys share one room, and Penelope's room is only 50sq ft, toys that save space but are also fun is something that is constantly on my mind. These are both and the ones we own are some of our very favorites! If you're looking to slowly bring in pieces to your home that focus on not occupying a lot space, we will be adding to this list every week as we share more on toy rotation and toy storage!





Foldable racetrack that is not only space friendly but travel friendly as well.

Roll it out on the floor, folds away compact when not in use.

Oh and did we mention it is washable?!

Turn any surface into a racetrack with racetrack tape! Keeps little ones entertained without taking up any additional space in the home

*we bought our wooden cars here

Teeniest building blocks there are!

Perfect for lego lovers and occupy 1/8 of the space making it super space friendly to play with and to even store finished builds. (This is our 9 year old's favorite toy!)

Recommended age for these is 10-15 yo but our middle has loved these since age 8!

So many uses! Use it as a slide for toddlers, a toddler lounge chair, play table, toy ramp- this toy can be used in so many different ways, it's perfect for smaller spaces because it has so many uses in one! completely takes out the need of more toys that meet those needs because just one piece does so much. Truly multifunctional and inspires so much imagination and active play. Plus super cute to stay out as decor!

Create large builds with magnetic wooden tiles.

This Stem Education Set is stackable and lays flat, making storage of this toy super space friendly.

Foldable fort powered by air.

Super fun for hot summer days as well as indoor play.

Big enough for at least 4 kids yet folds away tiny in a bag when done! If your kid's are fan of the DIY airfort that we have shared, this is its permanent friend that requires no set up. It hooks up to the fan and inflates in 30 sec and provides a different play space to play, cool off and even watch movies on a rainy day.

Image- Moms Jeans and Mimosas

*simply use with a box fan. We got ours here

Another STEM Educational Set, these little cubes are so fun.

1" in total size, these cubes allow imagination to flow as littles create shapes and builds that are completely different than Earth Tiles and Magnatiles builds. Set comes with instructions for different builds (like how to make a toilet which makes our boys think is hilarious!). Then they come together when build time is over making them a toy that inspires imagination without occupying a lot of space.

black and white set is currently sold out but colored set can be found here

So this is a two-in-one! Great for travel and take to restaurants toy and great for small spaces. This is our 4 year old's favorite toy. It comes with a little "garage" piece to store the car and tracks, a vehicle and the racetracks that attach to the garage all in that tiny box. We use it on a shelf we hung inside his bed and he is able to create so many tracks that hardly occupy space.

Turn any space into a space station with this sweet space pop-up tunnel. Pop-up tunnels are so fun when it comes to small spaces because they can provide a space to play, crawl and get energy out on but also fold completely flat when done. Ties all the way together and hardly occupies any space! Super fun for imaginative play.

So basically, I am always on the hunt for anything magnetic, ha! No, but really, anything magnetic is just so fun and from what I have found, space friendly. These little guys are so so cute. Another STEM Educational Set, this robot set allows the child to make so many different configurations and build their own robot using magnetic parts. Set comes with 5 robots and endless combinations and it's one of those pieces that provides so much entertainment while it not being a very large set.

It comes with a little box that you could replace with a bag to occupy even less space. Canvas bags or zip lock bags are a great replacement for toy containers when space is limited.

Climbing toys make it in our small space friendly list because all it requires is hanging space and you can turn any space into an obstacle course.

We got ours HERE

We use special carabiner clips to make them removable

We got ours HERE

We get ours HERE

We buy ours here

(**always secure hardware to studs and follow manufacturer's instructions to ensure safety)

Well, that's it for now!

We will be adding to this list weekly as we share more in depth about toy rotation and how it's helping us not get as bored so check back every week as everything will share on Instagram will be added here!

Thanks for reading! Hoping you are all staying safe and your littles entertained during this time. Looking forward to sharing more and answer all of your questions on maximizing space during this season.



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